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Dear Reader,The Mayo Clinic says this scientific breakthrough could “transform medicine
as we know it.”
A top anti-aging researcher from Harvard calls it “as close to a miracle as you can find.”
And Chemical and Engineering News says, “This is going to revolutionize modern medicine.”
Today, you’re going to have to reimagine everything you think you know about aging…
Because scientists have been studying a handful of
Natural compounds with
unprecedented age-rewinding power
They’re being called “Rescue Molecules” because they successfully bring the symptom spiral of old age to a halt.
In fact, in a 2017 in vitro experiment, UK researchers used them to make old human cells young again.
They treated the old cells with Rescue Molecules and watched stupefied as they grew young before their very eyes…in a matter of hours.
“When I saw them rejuvenating and looking young, I couldn’t believe it. It was like magic.”
Then just last year, after zeroing in on the way these Rescue Molecules work in vitro, a team of U.S. researchers used this astonishing breakthrough in mice.
And it turned them YOUNG again.
It’s something you really have to see to believe…
The following images are of the SAME mouse.
The 2nd photo was taken just one month after the first.
I’m sure you can see why this is being hailed as a bonafide breakthrough.
Do you see how hunched over and decrepit the mouse looks in the first picture…
And how straight and sturdy its frame is in the second?
This is what the science of growing younger looks like.
But it goes FAR beyond just looking young.
From their hearts to their lungs, their brains to their livers—the scientists RESCUED the YOUTH of these animals.
And that’s not all…
A team of researchers at the Mayo Clinic found mice treated with Rescue molecules remained young—pretty much for life.
When they gave Rescue molecules to elderly mice, they walked faster, scampered longer, had stronger grips—and in general were much more lively and active than their “unrescued” peers.
And, even more remarkable, they also lived 36% longer…WITHOUT disease.
In other words, as one article put it, they lived long lives without growing “frail, decrepit and sick—as is the case with nearly half of people over 85.”
In fact, they stayed youthful, nimble, strong and healthy—for life.
These Rescue Molecules are so effective for slowing the effects of aging…
They’re so “valid” and “impressive” says the National Institute on Aging…
That they’re in human clinical trials as we speak.
But you don’t need to wait.
You don’t need to visit a lab or a specialized clinic or have a prescription.
You can get put Rescue Molecules to work for
yourself RIGHT NOW…
From the comfort of your own home—without spending a fortune.
And America’s #1 anti-aging expert is going to walk you through every detail.
You’ll get all the information on natural, science-backed steps you can take today to fight aging, so you can look into your spouse’s eyes for decades to come…
So you can drive to your great-grandchild’s wedding, make an unforgettable toast from memory, and dance the night away.
I’ll give you the breathtaking details in a few minutes, but first know this…
Rescue Molecules are just one of the great strides forward we’ve made when it comes to rekindling youth.
And today, you have the rare opportunity to get a front row seat and discover these breakthroughs as they’re happening.
As well as all the details on how to tap into them yourself. Discoveries like…
- The age-rewinding “Rescue molecules” that actually turned old mice cells young again in one study—in a matter of hours
- The peculiar longevity gemstone that acts as protective powerhouse against some of the most common—and devastating—effects of aging
- The ONE natural life-changer that slashes risk of 7 of the deadliest cancers!
- And dozens more age-rewinding secrets YOU can use to stay healthy and vibrant well into your golden years—and for decades to come.
An organization dedicated to discovering health breakthroughs and giving voice to today’s most pioneering medical minds.
But of all the breaking health research we’ve shared over the years—I can say without a doubt—
I’ve never seen anything as life-changing as this.
Today, you’re going to discover powerful secrets that can help…
Rejuvenate and revitalize virtually every aspect of your health
It’s easier to do than you might think—with a little expert guidance.
And one man has been tracking down ALL these major breakthroughs.
As America’s most prolific medical editor—it’s his life’s work.
His name’s Bill Gottlieb, and you might recognize him from one of his dozens of TV appearances, including national programs like Good Morning America, CNN, and NPR.
He’s also the author of 13 best-selling health books that have sold millions of copies world-wide…
"I'm 65 but feel 35 – and you can, too!"
-Author, medical editor, and anti-aging expert Bill Gottlieb.
He’s penned hundreds of articles for top-ranking publications, including Prevention, Men’s Health, Reader’s Digest, Bottom Line Health, Self, and Natural Solutions...
He’s written innovative protocols for combatting cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, arthritis and more.
And he’s already helped countless Americans do everything from defeat these devastating diseases to trim down to their high school weight…
Making him the perfect person to walk you through these age-rewinding secrets so they actually work for you.
And he’s sitting on an entire treasure trove.
Bill has compiled all of the most breathtaking discoveries on longevity and aging into one, comprehensive online learning protocol: The Essential Age-Eraser Protocol: Quick and simple secrets to rejuvenate your body, feel years younger, and defend against disease.
It shows you exactly how to tap into lifelong youthfulness.
And it’s all laid out in simple step-by-step detail.
Fact of the matter is, being strong and healthy is your body’s natural state.
Cancer happens when your DNA gets mutated.
Alzheimer’s strikes when abnormal plaques and tangles clump up, literally dementing your brain.
Accelerated aging—and the “downward spiral” of symptoms that comes along with it—happens when your body’s defenses can’t keep up with the barrage of unnatural toxins and stress.
But with the age-defying secrets in Bill Gottlieb’s revolutionary protocol, you’ll get all the information on natural solutions that can help…
Revitalize and rejuvenate your body—
from the inside out
And one of the ways to reclaim your youthful vitality and vibrancy is with a specific anti-aging process called “autophagy.”
Autophagy means “self-eating.”
Experts say the easiest way to think about it is like a Roomba inside your cells.
It vacuums up all the cellular junk that leads to wrinkles, fat, and aging.
But when this self-cleaning system gets clunky or damaged, then corrupt shadow cells called senescent cells start to build up inside you.
And they don’t just quietly hang around.
These shadow cells are like hungry vampires and they suck the life out of the young and healthy cells around them—turning them senescent too.
And in case you haven’t guessed, that is what aging is.
The definition of senescent is “to grow old.”
It’s where the words “senile” and “senior” come from.
And this domino effect of damage causes aging to speed up every year.
But the Rescue molecules I was telling you about are the only compounds confirmed by science to STOP this downward spiral from happening.
Aging is HALTED on the cellular level.
Which combats the effects of aging from the inside out.
The fact is, biological age can be drastically different than the number of candles on someone’s birthday cake.
In fact, the youth-enhancing and damage-repairing techniques you’ll learn about in Bill Gottlieb’s masterplan don’t just make it possible to reclaim youth…they actually make it easy.
And he explains everything in clear and simple terms…
So you won’t need a dictionary or medical degree to understand them.
Like the “Rescue molecules” that are readily available to you right now—and Bill Gottlieb will give you all the details—including exactly where to find them.
But they are just the beginning…
He has an entire protocol full of simple secrets powerful enough to rejuvenate just about every single part of your body.
Like the…
Ultimate aging intervention…
Could this peculiar longevity gemstone actually increase lifespan?!
This under-studied and overlooked trace mineral is found in deep deposits all over the world.
It comes from peculiar gemstones forged during ancient volcanic eruptions...
Then it bleeds into the surrounding soil and drinking water, which is how we get it in our diet...
And that’s a very good thing, because we need it to live.
In fact, it’s present in EVERY SINGLE human organ and tissue.
But that’s not all…
Sweeping studies of more than 1.2 million people—from different countries across the world—found pockets of longevity wherever concentrations of this shimmering mineral were highest in the drinking water.
The link between this peculiar gemstone and longevity is so clear-cut, that researchers call its direct longevity effects “unambiguous.”
That’s science speak for not open to interpretation.
Simply put—it works.
The fact of the matter is, this overlooked trace mineral triggers longevity in virtually every species it’s ever been tested in…
For instance, when researchers gave this longevity gemstone to C. Elegans roundworms —considered a “model organism” and commonly used for anti-aging studies—it extended their lifespans by a whopping 36%.
Granted, this is just one animal study. But if this research is confirmed in humans, just imagine what it could mean for the future of healthy aging…
And the benefits don’t stop with its life-extending properties either.
This all-in-one anti-aging powerhouse helps almost instantly renew youth.
From its brain-boosting benefits to its immune-enhancing power—the difference is evident in a matter of weeks.
Science shows it…
- Literally makes the brain grow. A bigger brain means sharper thinking, better memory, enhanced creativity, and even higher IQ scores!
- Thwarts Alzheimer’s by DECREASING the formation of the abnormal plaques and tangles associated with the disease… It also IMPROVES brain connections, and even triggers the BIRTH of NEW brain cells.
- Helps build “strong as steel” bones. Research shows this powerful mineral naturally increases bone density. And strong, healthy bones are a critical part of staying active and independent as you age. Which means this simple nutrient could help keep you out on the dancefloor, out in the garden, and walking the back nine.
- Acts as a natural chill pill. This longevity gem has been shown to increase serotonin production and improve mood. Which means you could feel lighter and happier, less impatient, and less aggravated by daily grievances like traffic. You might even catch your family snapping candid photos of the bright smile on your face!
- Turns your immune system into a fortress. Even small amounts of this trace mineral can help boost the immune system and protect against infection…and some research even suggests it may be a powerful anti-cancer agent.
In fact, it’s widely available over the counter and online.
But there are a few specifics you need to know first, like…
- What kind to take. There are different forms of this longevity mineral, and they’re not all created equally.
- And how much to take. A little goes a long way. The right, small dose is more than powerful enough to deliver all the benefits outlined above.
In fact, Bill Gottlieb has compiled so much evidence on natural ways to combat aging—from some of the world’s most prestigious institutions—that he’s convinced …
“Aging isn’t the irreversible affliction we thought it was.”
You CAN rescue your youth—
and give the best years of your life a sequel.
Remember how fresh and exciting every day used to be? Your energy felt limitless and your mind was clear and quick.
Well, Bill Gottlieb has spent years researching safe, natural, science-backed solutions that can help you feel that rush of youth again—no matter what age you are right now.
And in his protocol, Bill will give you all the vital details you need to put these solutions to work—starting today.
And that’s just the beginning.
He’ll also expose…
Big Pharma’s “bottle of lies” and the imminent health threat conventional doctors almost never discuss with their patients.
But why would they?
American medicine is built on a “sick care” system.
It’s a downright terrifying fact—according to the Centers for Disease Control, more than HALF of all Americans live with at least one chronic disease.
That’s more than 160 million people suffering!
And we’re not just growing sicker in spite of mainstream medicine’s “help”…
“Medical error” is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
If you’re sick, mainstream medicine is more likely to KILL you than to CURE you.
And you PAY for the privilege.
It’s mind-boggling…Americans spend $3.5 trillion on health care every year. That is almost 20% of our ENTIRE economy.
Clearly, Big Pharma’s conveyer belt of prescription pills is NOT the answer.
Especially when there are safe, natural, inexpensive alternatives.
And in his protocol, Bill will give you all the information on these approaches.
As he already has for countless others.
His books and articles have helped countless people find natural ways to RESCUE their youth—and reclaim their health.
And as a certified health coach and author, he’s helped his clients and readers find answers for nagging ailments and serious health issues doctors had no answer for.
And you’re invited to be one of just 75 people today to join them, and to receive exclusive access to his latest masterwork, The Essential Age-Eraser Protocol.
Clearly, you’re here today because you care about adding healthy, youthful years to a long and full life.
And when you MAXIMIZE the information found in Bill’s protocol, you could…
- MINIMIZE your use of mainstream medicine
- MAXIMIZE your ability to battle disease
- And grow YOUNGER from the inside out
The most powerful, natural solutions for combating the signs and symptoms of aging—AND defending against deadly disease.
While everyone’s obsessed with genetics and family history…
Bill knows the simple fact is that age, NOT genetics, is the BIGGEST driver of disease.
For instance, the single-greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s isn’t your genes…
It’s your age.
And after age 65, your risk of Alzheimer’s DOUBLES every five years.
Advanced age is the most important risk factor there too.
The same goes for heart disease.
And it’s not just these big-name killers.
In fact, here’s a list of just a “few” diseases associated with aging, according to one of the pre-eminent experts on biological gerontology…
But that’s what’s so downright stunning about Bill’s age-erasing protocol…
It targets ALL of these major health concerns in one fell swoop.
Because the information it contains addresses the common denominator driving them—aging itself.
This is it.
The ticket to lasting youth and longevity
Inside his Essential Age-Eraser Protocol, Bill reveals everything he’s learned about the most effective, science-backed approaches for rejuvenating the body, looking and feeling years younger, and defending against deadly disease. Breakthroughs like…
- The heart-protecting secret that boosted performance in professional athletes!
- The ONE natural life-changer that slashes your risk of 7 of the DEADLIEST cancers!
- The “inner sunglasses” that BLOCK age-related eye degeneration and sharpen vision
- The tasteless, diabetes-fighting super-powder that lowers after-meal insulin levels by 40%—and helps you lose weight
- The two Peruvian power herbs that knock out knee-clenching arthritis
- Wrinkle-reversing secrets for supple, ageless skin
- The simple bedtime trick that could reduce the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer
- [And for the men] The alarming way the penis can predict a heart attack—and how to fight erectile dysfunction without a single pill
He’s meticulously combed through decades of research and put together this detailed protocol so you’ll have all the information you need to rescue your youth and live out your best years without slowing down.
He’ll give you the full details on dozens of science-backed ways to stay vibrant, active, and youthful all the days of your life.
This comprehensive protocol offers you everything you need to know about…
Natural secrets to beat back the symptom spiral of “old-age”
It covers time-tested techniques and cutting-edge discoveries.
And you can be part of a select group of just 75 people granted access to this life-changing information today.
In order to guard yourself and your loved ones against the most crushing effects of aging, you need to see past the mainstream’s myths and know all your options. That’s precisely why Bill created his comprehensive, age-defying protocol.
And now you can have access to his personal research and breathtaking findings.
Because he’s explaining it ALL using a simple, interactive, online learning format.
And this unique design allows you to start and stop the protocol whenever you want…so you can go at your own pace.
You can even ask specific questions about what you’re learning.
But before anything else, I have to tell you one more thing about this protocol…
Because Bill Gottlieb’s Essential Age-Eraser Protocol is unlike any other anti-aging resource out there.
It shows you first-hand how lifelong youthfulness is indeed possible.
And it gives you all the information you need to reclaim your health—and your youth… so you wake up feeling younger every day.
This all-inclusive protocol is the sum total of 40 years of Bill’s personal research and experience from years of working with the nation’s most respected health publishers.
It was born out of decades of dedication to a single goal – to identify the key drivers of aging, and how to safeguard against them.
The fact is 2.5 million new studies are published every year.
That’s a ton of research.
Way too much for any one person to sift through themselves.
But with Bill on your side, you won’t have to—and you can feel confident you’re not missing out on anything.
He combs through this sea of research day in and day out to stay up to speed with the latest health breakthroughs.
He regularly consults with the vast network of experts on his contacts list—the top medical practitioners, thought leaders, and researchers in the world.
Every natural age-eraser you’ll hear about has been researched by cutting-edge medical institutions and published in respected, peer-reviewed journals.
And they’ve been used by real people—safely and with life-changing results.
Jane Gallagher says, “So glad I followed Bill Gottlieb’s recommendations – they changed my life!”
“Bill offers clear, concise alternatives to traditional Western medicine,” says Marsha Miller.
“Life-enhancing and life-saving information,” Matthew Wilson says.
Now he wants to give you access to all the details on these same powerful solutions, so that you, too, can…
Become a younger, healthier you
Finally, there IS something you can do to stay youthful, vibrant, healthy and independent—no matter how old you are.
I’ve already told you about…
- The breakthrough “Rescue molecules” that actually turned old mice cells young again in one study—in a matter of hours
- The peculiar longevity gemstone that skyrockets longevity and helps renew youth almost instantly in animal studies. (And it turns out, humans NEED this forgotten mineral to thrive in their golden years too!)
- The ONE natural life-changer that slashes risk of 7 of the DEADLIEST cancers
But you should know…
This protocol will not be made available anywhere else.
You can Google Bill Gottlieb’s name and find countless book titles and publications…
In fact, you’ll find his name as a published author of 13 best-selling books and hundreds of health articles.
He was the editor-in-chief of America’s leading health and wellness publisher, Rodale, Inc.
He’s managed an editorial staff of 125 people, and supervised the publication of 75 books per year, including the mega-selling Doctors Book of Home Remedies (16 million copies sold).
He could release this critical information anywhere—but today, he’s only releasing this protocol through OmniVista Health Learning for a very special reason.
He wants to be able to use our unique, interactive learning format.
This way, you can discover the most effective solutions for rescuing your youth—and making your golden years the best—and healthiest—ones yet.
Essentially, this is Bill’s life’s work – and he wants to deliver it to you personally.
It’s all explained in his own words, and in his own voice, in a format that allows your questions and feedback. Which means just another book or DVD simply wouldn’t do.
So here’s how it works…
All you need to do is to be one of the first 75 people today to click below right now in order to enroll.
When you do, you’ll get full access to…
- Four and half hours of comprehensive information that will help stop the “symptom spiral” of old age once and for all.
It’s broken down into 37 easy-to-follow lessons that allow you to go at your own pace.
You can watch them all in order…or skip around, pause, rewind, take notes, and listen to it over and over again—your choice.
And remember, this is an in-depth protocol you simply won’t find anywhere else. With special perks like…
- A state-of-the-art, user-friendly format
- Interaction with other protocol scholars like yourself
All you have to do is type a question into the discussion board.
You will have exclusive access to the OmniVista Health Learning staff. We will be there to help answer your questions as well. Plus…
- 10 volumes of free supplemental material
These reports highlight the most important points from each lesson along with additional research and recommendations. Including…
- The seven simple secrets of age-erasing
- How to fight skin cancer with an overlooked nutrient
- Safeguard, support, and even supercharge memory with this super-herb
- The 3-syllable secret that STOPS holiday weight gain
- The sweet snack for firmer, brighter skin
- And much, much more…
But I haven’t told even you the best part about this opportunity…
Even though we’ve created an innovative (but simple) educational interface to present Bill’s comprehensive protocol…
He wanted to make sure you had even more resources at your disposal.
That’s why when you enroll today…
You’ll also get access to Bill Gottlieb himself at no additional charge!
The steady march of anti-aging science up to this point has become a stampede…
So Bill wanted a way to keep you up to date on all the latest findings.
He also wanted to be able to answer any questions you might have.
That’s why he’s insisted to make himself available for an online Q & A session with you and the other scholars.
Opportunities like this are all but unheard of in the health community.
Not only will one of America’s most respected natural medicine experts fill you in on all the latest research that’s come to light since you first joined, but he’ll also answer specific questions from you and other protocol scholars like yourself.
So if you have questions about any aspect of his protocol…you can ask Bill himself.
Wondering about a topic that wasn’t covered? Let Bill know.
This feature is without a doubt one of the most valuable and exciting aspects of this opportunity.
But that leads us to a small problem we need to cover before I tell you how to take advantage of this unique offer…
Because Bill has agreed to be so generous with his personal time…
And in order to ensure that he can address as many questions as possible…
Today, we can only accept the
first 75 enrollees.
Which means you absolutely must act fast.
But here’s the good news.
You’ll also receive 3 MORE FREE GIFTS when you take advantage today!
Simply enroll within the next 24 hours, and you’ll receive 3 bonus lessons free of charge! These bonus lessons include breaking advancements in aging and longevity science. Such as…
- The single plant compound that restores balance to EVERY single system in your body
- The “heart-shaped” secret that’s one of the easiest ways to achieve longevity
- The hot spots inside your own home that could be killing you
When factored all together, this program offers you unprecedented value…
All 37 lessons of Bill’s Essential Age-Eraser Protocol alone are valued at over $2,000.
The online Q & A session is the equivalent of attending a groundbreaking seminar, such as a Ted talk—and those cost well into thousands.
And that’s on top of what you’d pay in travel expenses just to get there.
Combine those with the state-of-the-art educational platform, the 10 supplemental reports and the 3 bonus lessons…and you’re looking at a potential total value of $5,000 or more.
But Bill and I agree—we need to make this life-altering protocol as accessible as possible.
So you’ll pay NOWHERE near that, and you can tune in from home.
If you’re one of the first 75 scholars to enroll today, you’ll get everything…
- Almost 5 hours of never-before released cutting-edge content
- The Q & A session with Bill
- The 10 supplemental reports and 3 bonus lessons
- And our unique, state-of-the-art learning platform
A 100% Anytime, Anywhere
Money-back Guarantee
Bill wants to make sure you have plenty of time to go through all of the information he outlines in his age-rewinding protocol.
To learn about how they work not just to stop—but actually rewind the signs and symptoms of old age that you’ve been told are “irreversible.”
So he’s insisted that you have complete and total risk-free access to everything we’ve discussed.
If you’re not happy with the state-of-the-art learning platform we’ve developed just for you…
Or if you simply don’t think Bill’s protocol is right for you…
Then just send us an email or give us a call ANYTIME and we’ll return every last penny.
It’s that easy.
And you can keep the supplemental reports as our gift to you.
But unfortunately, you’d be missing out on Bill’s online Q & A session…and you really don’t want to miss out on his unique blend of expertise and proven health coaching.
Bill Gottlieb’s Essential Age-Eraser Protocol isn’t just an online course…
It’s a comprehensive resource filled with complete details on the best, science-backed secrets for living LONGER and YOUNGER than you ever dreamt was possible
Bill has done his own research over the last 30 plus years…and he wants you to know there’s a whole world of options out there that can kick “old age” to the curb…
That can have you feeling more energetic and enthusiastic than you have in years…
That can give you safe, natural alternatives to Big Pharma’s conveyer belt of prescription pills.
He’s spent a lifetime helping people achieve true health and longevity.
And today, you can be one of just 75 people to join them.
By simply clicking below right now, you’ll have all the information you need to help eliminate the constant fear of getting old, slowing down, and becoming dependent.
Most adults I know put wasting away or losing our wits on the “worse-than-dead” list.
Instead, you can get access to
Science-backed natural solutions
that rescue your youth—
inside and out
And you’ll learn about these solutions from a man who is helping people achieve their health goals every day…
A man who’s been researching and using science-backed natural solutions for decades to combat the signs and symptoms of old age. Solutions like…
- The pungent herb that helps dissolve artery-clogging plaque.
- The eye-soothing tip that’s so simple—you can do it in your sleep (literally)
- How to sip your way to a thinner waistline
And you won’t be able to find it anywhere else online or in stores.
But you must be one of the first 75 people today to secure your spot right now in order to take advantage.
And remember, not only has he agreed to condense his entire career’s worth of research on natural age-rewinding breakthroughs into one simple, online learning protocol…
Bill is also devoting his own personal time to helping you get the most out of it.
And all you need to do is be one of the first 75 people today to click below right now in order to be a part of it.
Once signed in, you’ll find a simple list of all 37 lessons, packed with hours of Bill’s youth-rescuing insight in his Essential Age-Eraser Protocol.
Simply turn on your speakers and click play…
You can watch each session in order, or skip around right to the ones that interest you the most.
But I recommend you watch them all…
I’ve been in the health industry for decades and I was surprised again and again at just how new and unique—and complete—Bill’s protocol is from anything else I’ve ever seen.
I was discovering something new in every single lesson.
And Bill’s Essential Age-Eraser Protocol is simple, effective, and affordable.
You’ll be shocked at how much scientific evidence there is behind the simple concepts Bill lays out, and how practical and easy his suggestions really are.
This information is truly
A one-of-a-kind, comprehensive, whole-body approach to looking, feeling, and LIVING younger — longer
Whether you want to…
- Have the energy and health to see the world with your spouse…
- Check off all the items on your “bucket-list”…
- Or add a newfound peace to your day as you ELIMINATE the nagging fear you’ll wither away in a nursing home…
And all you need to do is be one of the first 75 people today to click below and take advantage of this opportunity right now.
Remember, your purchase today is completely risk-free.
But please hurry and click below while spots are still available!
To your youth and longevity.
Karen Reddel
OmniVista Health Learning
P.S. Remember, in order to make Bill Gottlieb’s Essential Age-Eraser Protocol an interactive learning experience, we can only accept the first 75 enrollees today. So you must respond now to secure access to this comprehensive protocol… as well as your invitation to take part in our online Q & A session with Bill himself…simply click below now.